Polarization Divider


・Polarization Divider polarization divider can change right rotation circularity polarized wave and left rotation circularity polarized wave to linearly polarized waves to each ports.

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【WR28】Polarization Divider 【WR28】Polarization Divider 【WR28】Polarization Divider
Example of performance (WR28)
Frequency range 30GHz ~ 34GHz
Insertion loss 0.6dB
Isolation 30dB


input port input polarized wave output port output polarized wave
Port1 right rotation circularity
polarized wave(CW)
port2 linearly polarized wave
Port1 left rotation circularity
polarized wave(CCW)
port3 linearly polarized wave
Port1 linearly polarized wave port2 & port3 linearly polarized wave
Port2 linearly polarized wave port1 right rotation circularity
polarized wave(CW)
Port3 linearly polarized wave port1 left rotation circularity
polarized wave(CCW)

Waveguide list

Waveguide Size Frequency
WR Internal Dimension(mm)
A × B
Internal Dimension(mm)
WR-28 7.110×3.560 φ6.35 33 - 38.5 UG381,UG599
WR-22 5.690×2.850 φ5.56 38.5 - 43 UG383
WR-19 4.780×2.390 φ5.33 40 - 43 UG383
WR-15 3.759×1.880 φ4.19 50 - 58 UG385
WR-12 3.100×1.550 φ3.18 68 - 75 UG387
WR-10 2.540×1.270 φ2.84 75 - 88 UG387
WR-8 2.030×1.020 φ2.26 90 - 115 UG387
WR-6 1.651×0.825 φ1.85 110 - 140 UG387P
WR-5 1.295×0.648 φ1.47 140 - 220 UG387P
WR-4 1.092×0.546 φ1.245 170 - 260 UG387P
WR-3 0.864×0.432 φ0.99 220 - 330 UG387P

※Circular port diamerters changes for frequency range


Polarization Divider(WR28)


